Monday, December 28, 2015

When is the best time to play your GAMES???!

Before I start, I just wanna point out that I have a job. I am a "Virtual Assistant" for a Mortgage Company in Pennsylvania. The girls at Lake Erie Mortgage are the best. I work at 6PM 'till 2AM in the morning. I do the typical work as an assistant but I do it virtually, like some of my tasks involves Social Media Marketing, Video Editing, Image Promotions, Flyers, SEO, and email-support.

So I sleep at around 2:30AM'sh in the morning and wake up at around 7AM. I finish work at 2AM but I play for a little bit, when it hits 2:30AM its time for sleep. When I don't get enough sleep I get a huge migraine and I'll be out for the whole day. This is also the time I get to snuggle with my wife for a little bit before my baby wakes up. *Important- Always make wife HAPPY. From experience, HAPPY WIFE equals LESS NAGGING. Me and my wife have been married for 2 years now and I haven't missed a single day without saying "I Love You." My wife is not a gamer, she played Clash of Clans and she thinks she's a gamer now- but trust me she isn't.

So if you are complaining about my wife is not supportive to my gaming or blablabla. You have to follow this important rule. *ALWAYS MAKE WIFE HAPPY. I also set some expectations with her. I ask - "Bha, if I finish the laundy- can I play my games?" She normally says "What about this? and that?" What's another 30minutes of chore? After that 30minutes or hour. Have her agree, Can I play now? *Done- You just made her happy. It's a win win situation. You get to improve your relationship with your wife plus you get to play your games after.

Watching me have breakfast.
Nathan Watching me have breakfast.

What if I have kids? I can't say much about older kids but I do have a baby. My baby wakes up at 6:30AM and for some reason my baby doesn't cry or something. He just lay there pondering about the world and what not. I guess I'm just lucky with my baby. At 7:10AM that's when I take him out of his crib and start playing with him. Let him crawl for abit. At around 9AM, he falls asleep.

Playtime with Nathan.

There are those rare moments when he's fine and you can play.

Is this the time to game? Whoops not yet. I still have to do laundry. Invest in buying your own Automatic Washing Machine. You just put it in the washer, then poof finish.

Baby Finally Asleep - Quest Completed.

Is this finally the right time to play? Lets see- Wife is happy, baby is sleeping, and chores are done. Yep- now's the right time.

There are also days where I don't get to play. It's not a loss.

When we play games, we get an upgrade on our gears, levels, and new items. But that isn't life. This is life. You are a father before you are a gamer. Once you accept this- you will have a happier and healthier gaming life.


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