Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Crying Baby VS Boss Hunt

So I was playing online with a couple of guys and we had just reached the boss. Lol, baby started crying. What to do? For anyone who isn't familiar what a boss is and why is it a dilemma. A boss is like the toughest monster/guy in a map. Sometimes there are 2 or many of them depending on what mission you took. So basically if you kill a BOSS equals BETTER LOOT. So I was in the middle of killing one and then the baby started crying.

This image was taken yesterday while watching over him. No actual image of me boss hunting. 

Yep, had to leave it and hopefully they can manage. During your gaming career you will find fellow dads as well who enjoys gaming and they do understand if you leave for a little bit but promise to come back. Gamer dads has this code where children's comes first. For starters, find members/buddies who doesn't mind you leaving for a minute to calm your baby.

In any worst scenario, had your wife watch for abit 'till you finish that boss. My wife has always supported me in my gaming since I make her happy :) so be sure to keep her happy so you can ask for her help during crucial moments.


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