Monday, December 28, 2015

No more hardcore MMORPG for me!

I just officially quit from all of my MMORPG games. I just recently bought a Legendary Founder Package for a game called Albion Online. Its a really fun game and its pretty close to runescape. Graphics is abit boxy and I think thats what I like most about this game. If you wish to try out feel free to click on the link. But I think Open Beta will start in 2016.

I just quit this game cause its too time consuming. Especially when you are with your friends doing raids that lasts 3hours or so. Crafting, Gathering, PVP.

So I was abit sad and kinda missed playing games. I told my wife, Im gonna die from boredom lol. So she bought me a new Nintentdo 3DS XL for Christmas. Its my first time playing on a Nintendo 3DS, always been a PSP/ PS Vita guy.

I also have this game called Shin Megami Tensei but haven't got the chance to play it yet. Been playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and watching over our baby.

For Christmas my wife also got me a Gundam. Lol its been ages since I built one. It was really fun. When I was a child I always got the cheap ones. My wife got me a Raiser 00 Gundam RG Kit which gave me a really hard time.

I got a camera for my wife but been using it more lol. She's been taking mostly pictures of our baby. 

Gaming is not a crime! There's just a time and place for it. Gaming is not just on the top priority anymore. Making sure the baby is happy first, wife is happy, work is done, chores are done, these comes first before gaming. You need to find games that you can easily leave or pause.
Gaming doesn't end with getting married or having a child. We are in a different generation now. Gaming has been in our blood. When we get bored, we play games!

No more competitive games for me LOL


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